Friday, April 30, 2010

Do you think acrylic nails are out of style?

I have noticed a lot of people are keeping there real nails instead of acrylic. I am trying to decide if I will get acrylic or if I should just keep my real nails. My real nails grow long so I don't know if I should even bother getting acrylic. What do you think?Do you think acrylic nails are out of style?
don't bother getting them acrylic, they mess up your nails sooo bad...go get your own nails done (a manicure)Do you think acrylic nails are out of style?
Acrylic nails hold a ton of germs and bacteria, even more than real nails. Plus they are a waste of money... try putting $30 in a jar every week that you would have had to pay to get them filled and in only one year you will have $1560 in that jar... then the nails don't sound like such a good idea do they??
the only reason i get acrylic is bc i bite my nails. if i had long nails i would just get my real nails done. When getting acrylic your nails grow not that strong bc they shave it down alittle bit to put the acrylic on.
No i don't think they are out of style loads of people have them but i need help people! i don't know if to get them because they might reack my real nails and They cost alot but please help me?
like, no one has arcylics now.

its better for your nails and prettier and cleaner if you just cut your nails really short and paint the like deep pruple or lots of coats of clear.
Natural is better. I think most acrylic is...icky.
I always just get white tips.


they will never go out of style.
well yea, sorta.

it depends how old you are though.

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