Friday, April 30, 2010

What are the health dangers of breathing fumes from acrylic nails?

I work in an office next to a nail salon. The fumes from the acrylic nails permeate into our office space to the point where you'd think we were the nail salon. Its awful and even our customers complain.What are the health dangers of breathing fumes from acrylic nails?
Cancer is a risk. The biggest one is that the people may have fungus on their nails when the powder is ground off (which is the powder that flys in the air). You may be breathing in the fungus. Nasty, huh?What are the health dangers of breathing fumes from acrylic nails?
Asked a guy I know who is a chemist. He used to work with the same chemicals in the lab. They had to have tight monitoring of levels and they could only be used in a fume cabinet. He says he is amazed that OH%26amp;S allows them to operate like they do. Try looking up MSDS's of Ethyl Methacrylate and Methyl Methacrylate to get some info

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